AImpower is dedicated to purposefully leveraging AI to empower employees within various administrative departments. By providing advanced tools and resources, we aim to significantly boost both the productivity and quality of their work.

Project Overview:
This initiative involves the structural integration of AI across multiple services, with a focus on eleven specific use cases, organized into five key clusters:

Research Assistance for Employees

  1. Social Workers: AI-driven research support to help social workers quickly find relevant information and resources, enhancing their ability to assist clients effectively.
  2. Reception Staff: Enhanced information retrieval systems to support reception staff in providing accurate and timely information to visitors and callers.

Content Creation for Citizen Communication

  1. Youth Communication: Utilizing AI to adapt official communications into local youth language and formats suitable for youth channels, ensuring messages are engaging and accessible to younger audiences.
  2. Resident Letters: Automated drafting of resident letters by the communication department, streamlining the process and ensuring consistency and clarity in communications.
  3. Crisis Communication: AI-assisted creation of crisis communication materials by the communication department, enabling rapid and effective response during emergencies.

Transcription Preparation and Processing

  1. Interview Transcriptions: AI tools to transcribe interviews conducted by the communication department, converting them into specific formats required for various purposes.
  2. Social Consultations: Accurate transcription services for social consultations, ensuring detailed and reliable records are maintained.
  3. Social Reports: Efficient preparation of social reports, leveraging AI to compile and format information accurately and comprehensively.

Citizen Report Processing

  1. Summarizing Reports: AI systems to summarize citizen reports and forward them to the appropriate departments, ensuring swift and accurate handling of public concerns.
  2. Response Proposals: Automated drafting of responses to citizen reports, providing suggested replies that can be reviewed and customized by staff.

Job Coaching

  1. Support for Social Workers: AI assistance in the preparation of CVs and cover letters, facilitating job coaching efforts by social workers and helping clients present themselves effectively to potential employers.


AImpower is proudly supported by a Smart Region grant from the province of Flemish Brabant. This funding enables us to implement these innovative AI solutions and drive significant improvements in administrative efficiency and service quality.